
Catalog of 3000+ quality content

Dedicated to Indian Classical Music

Innovative searches and recommendations

Ability to create, manage and share playlists

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Intuitive grouping of content

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Unleash the power of Metadata with our “Power Search”

You can search any of the following combinations:

Sai Vignesh

Sai Vignesh, Shivoham

Sai Vignesh, Karahapriya

Sai Vignesh, Varnam

And many more...

meta search

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- Same song (other artists)

- Same raaga

- Same artist

- Same language

- Same composer

- And more...


Intelligent streaming that adapts to bandwidth

Supports both video and audio

Backed up by state-of-the-art infrastructure

music background

Play music in the background

Cast it to other supported devices

user experience

Sensible region based pricing

World-wide availability

Supports most mobile devices
